
Running multiple django sites on a single server with gunicorn and nginx

When days are dark, friends are few, cash is low and we need to take our django sites and put them on a single server. I am assuming you have site up and running that is using django with nginx and gunicorn. Now we need to do a few modifications to get the new site […]

Database django MySQL

Going Live with Django, MySQL on Ubuntu and server going down

Ever got to deploy day only to have errors streaming in about the site not being able to be accesses. Most likely in your logs or error emails / alerts you get something like this: (2003, “Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (111)”) What the hell does this mean, it means MySQL is down […]


Django displaying CheckboxSelectMultiple in columns with Bootstrap

The django-bootstrap3 package is used to show django forms with bootstrap. Most of the fields have their own bootstrap widgets except for: WIDGETS_NO_REQUIRED = ( AdminFileWidget, HiddenInput, FileInput, CheckboxInput, CheckboxSelectMultiple ) Unfortunately that makes the CheckboxSelectMultiple render as a single line of vertical checkboxes. Not making use of space that well. So how do we change […]


Restricting access to view a FileField or ImageField with Django

Hopefully you use a specialised document management store like Mayan, Blitdb or a file sharing site like box or dropbox if that is the focus of your project. However if you have a few fields in your django project that require a filefield or imagefield that can be classed as confidential then this is the […]

DevOps mac

Setting up a new Macbook for development

A mac is setup for the default user and usually requires a few things to make it into a development machine. It is certain that a fresh ubuntu install is more developer focused than a macbook. In this post I will walk you though what I do when setting up a new macbook for development. […]