
Django displaying CheckboxSelectMultiple in columns with Bootstrap

The django-bootstrap3 package is used to show django forms with bootstrap. Most of the fields have their own bootstrap widgets except for: WIDGETS_NO_REQUIRED = ( AdminFileWidget, HiddenInput, FileInput, CheckboxInput, CheckboxSelectMultiple ) Unfortunately that makes the CheckboxSelectMultiple render as a single line of vertical checkboxes. Not making use of space that well. So how do we change […]


Restricting access to view a FileField or ImageField with Django

Hopefully you use a specialised document management store like Mayan, Blitdb or a file sharing site like box or dropbox if that is the focus of your project. However if you have a few fields in your django project that require a filefield or imagefield that can be classed as confidential then this is the […]


Finding a Bloody Decent Django Reporting Tool

I have never liked creating reports and custom tables based on filters for end users. I don’t think any developer does. It feels like a very generic task and can be achieved (more) easily and with greater agility with the use of SQL. The group_by does not really exist in django. It smartly hides that from […]


Which package is the King of Django Table Display?

I’ve been building a web app. For simplicity sake, I have been making use of normal bootstrap tables and Django’s ListView. It works well, with my tests but it creates tables that are plain that lack search and sorting. Although pagination works nicely. There comes a time when you need to get professional and add […]


Sending Notifications with Django and almost falling into a Trap

I almost fell into a trap… I have been developing a new product that sends emails to certain manager users when certain events happen. I am manually handling these tasks with ye old send_email. I also wanted to  bring in a facebook/twitter style notifications so managers can see things that require their attention when logging […]