
Root and Backup your Android Device on Ubuntu

How to Backup your Android Device on Linux Prerequisites: Android SDK Installed ADB is accessible in path USB cable connected to device adb backup [-f ] [-apk|-noapk] [-obb|-noobb] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|-nosystem] [] – write an archive of the device’s data to . If no -f option is supplied then the data is written to “backup.ab” […]


How to Change Desktop Environment from Xfce to KDE

Don’t use Xfce, use KDE! Update 2021: I wrote this a long time ago. All desktop envs are different. Try them all. You are free to choose. I spoke harshly and the points I make are weak – but will keep the post as is for posterity. Why is Xfce junk? The style is very […]


The Essential Android Developer Toolbox and Reference

“XML is crap. Really. There’s just no reason for that horrible crap to exist” First off this list has nothing on Codepath’s useful tools Another top resource is DroidToolbox Interacting with an API Retrofit – The Best REST Client for Android (Don’t use anything else), you will need the lower level OKHTTP as a client for adding […]


How to Debug or Sniff Network Activity on Android Emulator?

Update 2022: proxyman or httptoolkit may be simpler to setup and use on multiple different operating systems than Fiddler. To use the android network TLS interception the device must be connected to the computer and proxyman should be installed on the computer. Checking network activity is a very important task especially when your app is […]


Android Material Design Best Practices in a Bottle

This post provides a compressed tl;dr of the Android Material Design guide with Android Devices in Mind. Raising Things We need to raise view elements, which is essentially giving a shadow and emphasis to elements. Make use of the elevation attribute. As a short guide: app bar: 2dp floating button: 6dp card: 2dp anything raised: […]