Coding Style

Clean Code Meaningful Names

Overview The following article is a summary of the tips given in choosing meaningful names for things in our code. The tips are taken from Robert C. Martin Called Clean Code. Clean Code. Chapter 2:  Meaningful Names. Why do we need Meaningful Names in our Code? Names are everywhere in software. Names are given to […]


How to Install CPAN module without testing Strawberry PERL?

Overview: How to Install a CPAN module without testing Have you ever tried installing CPAN module, however during the testing phase it freezes or fails. You can avoid this undesirable behaviour, provided you trust the source of the module and do not need a completed test for the PERL module. How to Install CPAN module […]


Check open ports on Linux Server

How to check the open ports on your linux server netstat -lnp


How to backup hard drive with a live cd

Linux: How to backup with a live cd So you’ve booted from your livecd and are in a unix styled terminal… cd /media #mount source of backup sudo mkdir src sudo mount /dev/sda1 src $mount sink of backup #sudo mkdir sink sudo mount /dev/sdb1 sink cp -Rdp src/* sink/.


Rip Entire Websites with wget

Rip Entire Websites with wget