
Installing Ubuntu 18.04 for Dual Boot alongside Windows on seperate drives

Alright you’ve had it with Windows and their horrible, data thieving, privacy breaching ways. But you still want to be able to use it because of other reasons. Well you can dual boot – boot into the platform of your choosing with sperate drives, I will be showing you how to do this, This is […]


Trying the Pelican Static Site Generator and Abandoning it – the Best Python Static Site Generator is found…

I used to use Jekyll site for my notes and summaries called fixes I wanted to move away from Ruby, that Jekyll uses, and try the language I prefer – python – and saw that pelican was the most popular. I also wanted to move away to improve the way categories are shown and to […]

DevOps django

Authenticated Functional Tests with Selenium and Django

In the Test Driven Development Book for Python and Django by Harry Percival called Obey The Testing Goat, there is a chapter about enhancing the functional test base class and adding pre-authentication so you don’t need to login via the login screen with Selenium. It uses a custom Email Authentication Backend, but I needed to […]


How to get data from tables in mysql database into a postgres schema?

I’ve had to do a bit of learning and tinkering to figure out how to do this. I now understand why ETL tools and consultants for data migrations and translations are in demand. I’ll even allow use of proprietary GUI based ETL tools. Anyway the backstory is I created a django project initially for MySQL […]

Database DevOps django

Deploying a django app with dedicated web and db servers

One of the many architectural decisions that will start to impact you when you get to a level where you need to scale is splitting you db and app. Typically we start on a budget and have to share resources but ideally you want to start out separate. The reasons is that the db server […]