ansible GNU/Linux ubuntu

How to install Ubuntu 16.04 and Automatically Install all my apps

How to install Ubuntu 16.04 and Automatically Install all my apps I’m assuming this gets searched quite a lot. It is one thing installing ubuntu, but another hugely time consuming gig installing all the old applications that you like. Couple that with your configurations of .bashrc, application configs, editor configs and logins for apps and […]


How to Change Desktop Environment from Xfce to KDE

Don’t use Xfce, use KDE! Update 2021: I wrote this a long time ago. All desktop envs are different. Try them all. You are free to choose. I spoke harshly and the points I make are weak – but will keep the post as is for posterity. Why is Xfce junk? The style is very […]


Demystifying Unix File Permissions

Never really understood what was going on with Linux File Permissions and chmod? If you understand binary then this will be a piece of cake. Here is a simple blog post to demystify Unix File Permissions: Ever seen: -rwxr-xr– 1 dgerman staff 823 Dec 16 15:03 Operations: r – Read w – Write x – […]


Check open ports on Linux Server

How to check the open ports on your linux server netstat -lnp


How to backup hard drive with a live cd

Linux: How to backup with a live cd So you’ve booted from your livecd and are in a unix styled terminal… cd /media #mount source of backup sudo mkdir src sudo mount /dev/sda1 src $mount sink of backup #sudo mkdir sink sudo mount /dev/sdb1 sink cp -Rdp src/* sink/.