
Copy Files with specific extension from multiple directories into a single directory Linux

How to Copy Files with specific extension from multiple directories into a single directory Linux find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cp -t /home/my/dir/ The only problem is file name conflicts…hmmm how to solve?


What is the default php includes path on linux?

This post specifies the default php includes path on a linux distribution. The one I used was gentoo. This is the path that will be globally included in all your php projects. It is: include_path = “.:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php” If you want to change this path, just change the above line in php.ini and restart apache or […]


Glob Patterns

man 7 glob Glob Patterns: Globbing Pathnames Long ago, in Unix V6, the was a program /etc/glob that would expand wildcard patterns.Soon it was built into shell and bash. Glob (Wildcard) Matching A string is a wildcard pattern if it contains one of the characters: ?  *  [ Globbing is the operation that expands a […]


Copying to External Drive not working KDE

Copying to External Drive not working KDE If your external drive is of the NTFS filesystem: Sometimes a native linux install does not have the drivers to write to an external drive of the NTFS filesystem. When you try to copy  to an external hard drive with dolphin in KDE; it will give you a […]


$PATH variable sometimes different

Recently I had a problem with one of the utilities I use giving a command not found bash error. It was unfathomable as just yesterday it had worked, but today it didn’t. When I checked the $PATH variable, the folder with the binary of the command I was calling was not present. I then had […]