auto-remediation DevOps

Introduction to Alerta: Open Source Aggregated Alerts

There are a number of platforms available these days to assist operations in terms of dealing with alerts. Namely Pagerduty, VictorOps and OpsGenie. These are unfortunately pay for tools.

These tools are known as monitoring aggregation

I was looking through the integrations of elastalert and found that there is an integration for, so I checked the website and it seemed to check all the boxed of monitoring aggregation.

I used the docker compose way of setting it up quickly, but if you want to set it up proper then follow the deployment guide.

Update some config:

docker exec -u root -it alerta_web_1 /bin/bash
apt update
apt install vim
# Edit the config in /app/alertad.conf
# Restart the container

Add the housekeeping cron job:

echo "* * * * * root /venv/bin/alerta housekeeping" >/etc/cron.daily/alerta

The default timeout period for an alert is 86400 seconds, or one day.

Check out the alerta plugins

What popular alerting and monitoring tools does integrate with?