This Hall of shame will act as a warning system for Magento 2 developers to help avoid bad quality extensions. If an extension of bad quality is produced; the developer brand will be shown here.
Bad Magento 2 Developers and Development Houses
- Mageworx
- MagePlaza
- Magecomp
Bad Magento 2 Extensions
MageWorx Multifees
Untested code.
Here is the code to add the isRequired Filter:
public function addRequiredFilter($isRequired = true) { if ($isRequired) { $this->getSelect()->where('main_table.required = ?', Fee::REQUIRED); } return $this; }
But the Fee::REQUIRED constant is: a string
const FEE_ID = 'fee_id'; const TYPE = 'type'; const INPUT_TYPE = 'input_type'; const IS_ONETIME = 'is_onetime'; const REQUIRED = '1'; const SALES_METHODS = 'sales_methods'; const APPLIED_TOTALS = 'applied_totals'; const TAX_CLASS_ID = 'tax_class_id'; const CONDITIONS_SERIALIZED = 'conditions_serialized'; const ENABLE_CUSTOMER_MESSAGE = 'enable_customer_message'; const ENABLE_DATA_FIELD = 'enable_date_field'; const TOTAL_ORDERED = 'total_ordered'; const TOTAL_BASE_AMOUNT = 'total_base_amount'; const SORT_ORDER = 'sort_order'; const STATUS = 'status';
Forming a query that checks where the field is required
instead of 1
Mage Plaza – Layered Navigaiton
Breaks layered navigation with elasticsearch and allows multiple attributes with an AND when it should only be a single
MageComp – Recaptcha
Horrific rewrites and module does not work at all. Incompetent developers.