I’ve been building an application that needs precicion as it is dealing with money, finance and trading. For these tasks there is a special datatype called decimal.Decimal that python has built in. It has many advantages but has a few disadvantages when displaying the decimal to the user. The trailing zeroes are shown (which is […]
When days are dark, friends are few, cash is low and we need to take our django sites and put them on a single server. I am assuming you have site up and running that is using django with nginx and gunicorn. Now we need to do a few modifications to get the new site […]
Ever got to deploy day only to have errors streaming in about the site not being able to be accesses. Most likely in your logs or error emails / alerts you get something like this: (2003, “Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (111)”) What the hell does this mean, it means MySQL is down […]
The django-bootstrap3 package is used to show django forms with bootstrap. Most of the fields have their own bootstrap widgets except for: WIDGETS_NO_REQUIRED = ( AdminFileWidget, HiddenInput, FileInput, CheckboxInput, CheckboxSelectMultiple ) Unfortunately that makes the CheckboxSelectMultiple render as a single line of vertical checkboxes. Not making use of space that well. So how do we change […]
Hopefully you use a specialised document management store like Mayan, Blitdb or a file sharing site like box or dropbox if that is the focus of your project. However if you have a few fields in your django project that require a filefield or imagefield that can be classed as confidential then this is the […]