Clarkes – wiki (Somerset, 1825) Crocket and Jones – wiki (Northampton, 1879) Loake – wiki (Northampton, 1880) Cheaney (Northampton, 1886) Trickers’s (1829) Church’s – wiki (Northampton, 1873 Grenson (Northampton, 1866) Alfred Sargent (Northampton, 1889) Barker (Northampton, 1880) Edward Green – wiki (Northampton, 1890) John Lobb – wiki (Sydney, 1849) Jeffrey West (Northampton, ?) Honourable Mentions Wildsmith (London, 1847) Herring (Northampton, 1966) […]
Here are some excepts from Kevin O’leary’s book: Cold hard truth on Business, Money and Life. I was not built to be an employee but that does not mean I am better than the people I employ …As long as my employees interests align with mine, we’ll be fine. The minute they don’t, they’re gone, […]
Using the database to manage blog content is okay but makes writing difficult at times. Let’s use markdown to create a blog on yii framework 1. Setting Up Composer Autoload I’m assuming composer is already setup as per yii’s installation. You need to get the PHPMarkdown package with: composer require michelf/php-markdown The to make sure […]
Update: December 2021 Note: I wrote this some years back. After learning more and listening to more people it is clear that inflation is not a single number. We want to summarise it as a single number but different things will change in value based on their supply and demand which is in turn influenced […]
Note: Positive money is the organisation that made the "97% owned" documentary and it is important to understand who funded the documentary to get a clear idea about the motives The solutions to the problems raised may already exist…starts with a B… 97% Owned Seigniorage – a form of fund raising for the government by […]