You can check your specific ports nmap -sV -Pn -p 80,8080 If it says filtered then the port is open in the azure side but clocked on the server side. You need to enable it with sudo ufw allow 8080
Sometimes it is hard securing and making sure your server is running at peak performance. Why not use some tools to tell you what settings to tweak… Lynis – Server security suggestions MySqltuner – MySQL Database recommendations and suggestions ApacheBuddy – Performance suggestions for Apache 2
Authentication First thing we need to be clear about is your method of authentication means nothing if you are not using https. If you are not using https then your users credentials can be snooped. What is REST? TL;DR Cheat sheet Representation State Transfer Resource based we are talking about thing(nouns) instead of actions(verbs) resource is […]
A list of tutorials to do common functions for non-technical people on magento 2: Migrating Magento 1 data to Magento 2 Github repo for Migrating Magento 1 data to Magento 2 Add Google Analytics Tracks Magento 2 Add Google Analytics Tracking Adding and Setting Shipping Methods Magento 2 Add Shipping methods Creating Bundled Products Creating […]
CPU Usage High Is there a Bot at work? Alright something is going on, we are getting new relic alerts. As you can see something strange started on the 5th of October. Check Under server -> Apps on New relic and see what is the application that is causing the High CPU Usage. In this case it […]