
Python Implicit Namespace Packages

A very confusing topic is python imports and paths.

One area that makes it more confusing was the introductions of implicit namespace packages.

These are packages that are found even without an

A folder can be created on the python path and that folder automatically becomes a python package. Not sure why or if this was intended but it is a fact of life in python 3.3 and later. Example:

$ mkdir holymoly
$ python
Python 3.10.6
>>> import holymoly
>>> holymoly
>>> print(holymoly.__file__)

How to Know if a Package is An Explicit Namespace Package

  1. Import it

    import fixes_package
  2. Check the __file__ attribute


If it prints None then it is an implicit namespace package. If it does not – and prints out the location of the it is a regular package

Another way is to import and repl it:

>>> import fixes_package
>>> fixes_package

Implicit namespace prints:

<module 'fixes_package' (<_frozen_importlib_external._NamespaceLoader object at 0x10683bd00>)>

If would print <module 'fixes_package' (namespace)> in older python versions

Regular package:

<module 'fixes_package' from '~/projects/playground/implicit_namespace/fixes_package/'>

Packaging won’t find the Namespace Packages by default

When packaging the package, the package doesn’t contain an sosetuptools.find_packages() won’t find the sub-package. You must use setuptools.find_namespace_packages() instead or explicitly list all packages in your Source: packaging_namespace_packages

Anthonywritescode has a good explanation of namespace packages and their caveats.


Using pyproject.toml and the setuptools build system backend – did pick up the implicit namespaced package from testing.

requires = ["setuptools>=61.0"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

It appears that using setuptools.find_packages() directly to specify the packages is the root of the namespaced packages not being packaged.
