auto-remediation DevOps

Introduction to Alerta: Open Source Aggregated Alerts

There are a number of platforms available these days to assist operations in terms of dealing with alerts. Namely Pagerduty, VictorOps and OpsGenie. These are unfortunately pay for tools. These tools are known as monitoring aggregation I was looking through the integrations of elastalert and found that there is an integration for, so I […]


Allowing unverified HTTP Post’s by Elastalert

I am using Praeco as a frontend for the Elastalert API which relies on Elastalert. The problem I faced was that sending unverified requests failed, as elastalert didn’t allow verfiy=False. I searched the Elastalert code and found the place the request is being made, it is in file, the class HTTPPostAlerter. I changed: response […]


The actual elastalert code running in Praeco Elastalert

If you go into the docker instance there will be 3 seperate versions of the code: / # find . -name ./opt/elastalert/build/lib/elastalert/ ./opt/elastalert/elastalert/ ./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/elastalert-0.1.39-py2.7.egg/elastalert/   The one that is actually running elastalert is: /opt/elastalert/elastalert/