jenkins Uncategorized

Functional Tests failing on Jenkins but not on local computer

Ever struggled with a test failing on jenkins using xvfb, well there are a few things you can do to ensure that both browsers work. Element Not Found Sometimes there is an ElementNotFound error on the server and not on your local. Usually this is because selenium cannot see the element. It is hidden. Usually this happens […]


Sending Emails Asynchronously with Django-Celery-Email and RabbitMQ

Update 2022: I think using celery directly as opposed to having djcelery abstract the implementation away is better. Check the celery docs then look at how to implement celery with django I am using django-registration-redux to register and activate users on my website. It sends emails to users to activate and reset their passwords. Unfortunately […]


Functional Tests with Jenkins, Selenium, GeckoDriver and Firefox

I’ve being going through the django testing goat book, specifically the section on continuous integration. Running you functional tests on jenkins can be quite difficult and you’ll need to tinker around and read the logs to figure out whats what. Here are a few tips. What is the optimal versions? Well Jenkins should be the […]


Finding a Frontend tool: An Inline Smart Datepicker

I am working on a project that requires an inline smart datepicker. So in this post I will show the process of selecting a decent plugin / tool. Requirements The Inline smart datepicker is quite simple and simple is better than complex so I want to keep it that way: Must not pop-up, it should […]


An Incense Evaluation

Incense aromas can help to calm the mind and change the mood and ambiance to relax and explore the mind. This post evaluates and gives info about some incense products. Where do you buy incense? Incence is quite difficult to find. I have noticed that in curry shops and flea markets you will always find […]