book reviews Business Advice Enterpreneur Wisdoms Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneur Wisdoms: Kevin O’Leary

Here are some excepts from Kevin O’leary’s book: Cold hard truth on Business, Money and Life. I was not built to be an employee but that does not mean I am better than the people I employ …As long as my employees interests align with mine, we’ll be fine. The minute they don’t, they’re gone, […]

Yii Framework

Adding Composer Autoload to Yii Framework 1 and using PHPMarkdown

Using the database to manage blog content is okay but makes writing difficult at times. Let’s use markdown to create a blog on yii framework 1. Setting Up Composer Autoload I’m assuming composer is already setup as per yii’s installation. You need to get the PHPMarkdown package with: composer require michelf/php-markdown The to make sure […]


The Real Inflation rate for Consumers in South Africa

Update: December 2021 Note: I wrote this some years back. After learning more and listening to more people it is clear that inflation is not a single number. We want to summarise it as a single number but different things will change in value based on their supply and demand which is in turn influenced […]

book reviews Finance movie reviews

Summary of 97% Owned Financial Documentary

Note: Positive money is the organisation that made the "97% owned" documentary and it is important to understand who funded the documentary to get a clear idea about the motives The solutions to the problems raised may already exist…starts with a B… 97% Owned Seigniorage – a form of fund raising for the government by […]

Magento Security

How to Investigate vulnerabilities of a Magento Website (Greyhat hacking)

It is simple to find vulnerabilities and extract information for a magento instance / site. The developers are usually caught up in feature development instead of maintaining and securing the server. Many times the developers take on the role of system administrators and problems are only picked up after it is too late. Finding a […]