
Kibana using lots memory

Is Digital Oceans 1-click-deploy ELK stack poorly configured on purpose? Kibana is using too much memory I wanted to see what juicy stats and info I could get out of the logs some of my servers were creating. Eventually I ran into the kibana using lots memory error. But I went through the Install ELK […]

book reviews

Peter Thiel – Zero to One Book Summary and Highlights

Pieter Thiel – Zero to  One is a series of lectures presented at Stanford University in the US. The course is CS183 The startup and Peter Thiel, a Paypal founder and overall smart guy goes over what we should be thinking about when starting a company. It is more than just starting a company and […]

ansible GNU/Linux ubuntu

How to install Ubuntu 16.04 and Automatically Install all my apps

How to install Ubuntu 16.04 and Automatically Install all my apps I’m assuming this gets searched quite a lot. It is one thing installing ubuntu, but another hugely time consuming gig installing all the old applications that you like. Couple that with your configurations of .bashrc, application configs, editor configs and logins for apps and […]

book reviews Startup books

Rework book summary and highlights

Rework book summary introduction I recently finished a good, short and simple book called Rework, by DHH and some other guy at 37 Signals.  They are the guys that created Ruby on rails and the basecamp agile collaboration tools. The book is about the things they have learnt over the years in their pragmatic creation of basecamp. They share […]


Protecting your wordpress from multiple posts on wp-login.php and XMLRPC Bruteforce

I recently added New Relic server monitoring APM to my server and I noticed something interesting. Look at the screenshot below all the purple in the graph just shows that someone is brute-forcing my login. It is burning my much needed resources for other apps on the box with multiple posts on wp-login.php I needed […]