Development Tools Github

Git Quick Reference Tutorial

What is Git? Git is a distributed version control system. It is free and open source, created by Linus Torvalds. Remember Github is just one various remote options. It is not git – it uses git to store git repos and adds some special sauce on top. It is in the same class as: gitlab, […]


MySQL INSERT IF NOT EXISTS: Checking whether a record exists and inserting

MySQL Insert If Not Exists Why doesn’t MySQL Insert If Not exists work????? UPDATE: CHECK AT THE BOTTOM OF POST Bogdan has the answers . First of all, this information relates solely to MySQL and may not apply to MSSQL or PostgreSQL. Have you been trying to insert records into a table based on whether there […]

Web Development

MySQL Workbench and XAMPP setting up

This is a few pointers to use when setting up MySQL Workbench. MySQL Workbench is a UI for using mySQL. It makes it easy to manage, create and modify your databases. It also gives tools to model a well structured database for any project you may have. MySQL Workbench with XAMPP tutorial Setup Start MySQL, […]

Web Development

Virtualhost and a XAMPP vhost “Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly”

This is a problem I have experienced with XAMPP on a windows installation. It arises when editing the httpd-vhost.conf to create a virtualhost. Using Virtualhost is one of the various ways to host multiple websites or services from a single IP address. It comes in use when you are either hosting multiple hosts from 1 […]

Random Internet Suggestions

Unblock Unsafe Attachment in Office Outlook

How to Unblock Unsafe Attachments Office Outlook Common file types If you still use the old email from Office Outlook when sending scripts you will often get a error message from office outlook. The error says: “Outlook at blocked potentially unsafe attachment”. Now this is a great feature and has most probably reduced the amount […]