
How to connect to your remote kuberenetes cluster with kubectl from you local?

You’ve just set up your kubernetes cluster. Excellent, now you want to start deploying your specs…but they are on a repo on your local machine. All good let’s setup your kubeconfig file so you can connect to your k8s api with kubectl. Log into your server Create a service account spec: kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: […]

Containerisation Containers Kubernetes

Kubernetes Questions – Please answer them

What is the Difference between a Persistent Volume and a Storage Class? What happens when pods are killed, is the data persisted – How do you test this? What is the difference between a Service and an Ingress? By default, Docker uses host-private networking, so containers can talk to other containers only if they are […]

Containerisation Kubernetes

Modernising Applications – my opinion

Over the past year I’ve taken a step back and evaluated how we build and deploy web applications. When we talk about modernising web applications people immediately jump to the cloud-native catch phrase. It ramps up pretty quick, it spirels quickly into kubernetes, docker, Paas, Ingress, load balancing, service mesh and site reliability engineering. For […]

Containerisation Kubernetes

Building the cheapest K8S Cluster: Creating a HA Kubernetes cluster with k3s for only R90

In this post I will show you how to create your very own Highly available K8s cluster for just R90 a month…the cheapest I could find. For this we will be using k3s, a lightweight kubernetes distribution created by rancher labs. So lightweight, that the requirements for the server nodes is only 512MB of RAM […]

Containerisation Containers Kubernetes

k8s Troubleshooting Guide

Found this K8S troubleshooting guide from