
Seperate your K8s cluster, Identity Provider and Private Registry.

My proposal is that your k8s cluster or management should be completely seperate from your private registry. Then your private reigstry should be completely seperate from your identity provider. The main reason is we want to decrease the chance of circular dependencies – that can never be fixed. Should all be in different places private […]

Containerisation Containers DevOps Kubernetes

Minikube: Deploy a container using a private image registry

This post is mainly for wanting to test a private image on your local k8s instance. At this point in time I feel minikube is the lightweight standard for this. You should have a private registry with the image you want to deploy, otherwise – use a public image. Getting Started Install minikube Once minikube […]

Containerisation IAM Keycloak Kubernetes

Setting up Keycloak on Kubernetes

First thing to do is get familiar with keycloak. once you are happy it might be useful take a look at the keycloak quickstarts. They seem to have all the examples and samples on getting going with keycloak. In particular you want to look at the keycloak kubernetes examples For posterity I will show the […]

ansible auto-remediation awx Containers Kubernetes

Walkthough of Creating and Running Plays on AWX

AWX Ad Hoc Test The first step before you do anything on AWX, is just get your toes wet and do a simple ad hoc command locally. To do this got to Inventories -> + Call it localhost. Next you have to actually add hosts or groups to this inventory. To do this edit the […]


A Journey of Troubleshooting K8s

We have a k8s cluster setup but noticed that a few of our pods were in Error, Terminating or ContainerCreating states. How do we figure out what caused these error and how to we correct the errors to make sure our status is Running. We are running this on k8s version 1.17 $ kubectl version […]