A few tips to pull you out of a hole or slump. All the happy, success and self-help stuff we hear is fixated on what you lack People around us and media do the same thing. Forgetting all the greatness that is nature and life and putting thoughts into our heads and moulding our perceptions […]
If you have been a web developer for some time, eventually you realise you have been wasting a lot of time and doing things wrong (or at least making your life difficult) if you have not been using Django and VueJS. Django being the backend where the data is stored and where resources are maintained, […]
Good Magento 2 Talks and Slideshows
http://www.developers-paradise.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/12-Nils-Preuss-State-of-import-in-Magento-2.pdf http://www.slideshare.net/MaksymPronko/real-use-cases-of-performance-optimization-in-magento-2 http://www.slideshare.net/TonyBrown44/magento-2-and-avoiding-the-rabbit-hole https://www.slideshare.net/MaksymPronko/key-insights-into-development-design-patterns-for-magento-2-magento-live-uk http://www.slideshare.net/MaksymPronko/checkout-in-magento-2-by-max-pronko
This Hall of shame will act as a warning system for Magento 2 developers to help avoid bad quality extensions. If an extension of bad quality is produced; the developer brand will be shown here. Bad Magento 2 Developers and Development Houses Mageworx MagePlaza Magecomp Bad Magento 2 Extensions MageWorx Multifees Untested code. Here is […]
Magento 2 Error Cannot redeclare class
So I was creating a module when I received this error. I had just enabled it and done the setup upgrade in Magento 2. The error is: 2017/03/01 11:11:11 [error] 17788#17788: *101 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product\Validator\Media, because the name is already in use in /var/www/site/project/app/code/Company/ImportAdditionalImagesDelimiter/Media.php on […]