Magento 2 Wall of Shame

Bad Magento 2 Extensions: Bad Developers and Extensions

This Hall of shame will act as a warning system for Magento 2 developers to help avoid bad quality extensions. If an extension of bad quality is produced; the developer brand will be shown here. Bad Magento 2 Developers and Development Houses Mageworx MagePlaza Magecomp Bad Magento 2 Extensions MageWorx Multifees Untested code. Here is […]

Magento 2

Magento 2 Error Cannot redeclare class

So I was creating a module when I received this error. I had just enabled it and done the setup upgrade in Magento 2. The error is: 2017/03/01 11:11:11 [error] 17788#17788: *101 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Import\Product\Validator\Media, because the name is already in use in /var/www/site/project/app/code/Company/ImportAdditionalImagesDelimiter/Media.php on […]


The Best English Shoe Brands

Clarkes – wiki (Somerset, 1825) Crocket and Jones – wiki (Northampton, 1879) Loake – wiki (Northampton, 1880)     Cheaney (Northampton, 1886) Trickers’s (1829)  Church’s – wiki (Northampton, 1873  Grenson (Northampton, 1866)  Alfred Sargent (Northampton, 1889)  Barker (Northampton, 1880)  Edward Green – wiki (Northampton, 1890)  John Lobb – wiki (Sydney, 1849)  Jeffrey West (Northampton, ?) Honourable Mentions Wildsmith (London, 1847) Herring (Northampton, 1966) […]

book reviews Business Advice Enterpreneur Wisdoms Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneur Wisdoms: Kevin O’Leary

Here are some excepts from Kevin O’leary’s book: Cold hard truth on Business, Money and Life. I was not built to be an employee but that does not mean I am better than the people I employ …As long as my employees interests align with mine, we’ll be fine. The minute they don’t, they’re gone, […]

Yii Framework

Adding Composer Autoload to Yii Framework 1 and using PHPMarkdown

Using the database to manage blog content is okay but makes writing difficult at times. Let’s use markdown to create a blog on yii framework 1. Setting Up Composer Autoload I’m assuming composer is already setup as per yii’s installation. You need to get the PHPMarkdown package with: composer require michelf/php-markdown The to make sure […]