
Email Signature Thunderbird

Save it as a file first, copy and paste. More info


Headers sent but not received by Application, Shopify and Restful API’s

I was tasked with creating a service (app) that would interact with the ShopifyAPI. To create the service the flow would be: Authenticate (Oauth) Register the Service with callback url Return relevant data when Shopify makes the external call (webhook) This is the first time I had worked with Oauth and a Restful API. What […]


How to Setup a Professional Zimbra Mail Server: Best practice SPF and DKIM

Setting Up a Mail Server is more difficult than it seems, it is also quite expensive. Furthermore because there is so much Spam there are measures an email administrator should take to ensure spam-free email delivery In this tutorial I am using Zimbra 8.0.7 as the Email Server (MTA). Zimbra includes all the features you […]

Internet Marketing

How to Track ajax goal events with google analytics

In this tutorial we look at the steps to take how to track ajax goal events with Google Analytics, that is events where a new page destination is not created and is accessed asynchronously First setup the Google Analytics Part 1. Go to the Admin Area 2. Select Goals Under All Web Site Data 3. […]


Summary of The Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto Extract 1: The Communist Manifesto (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels) The bourgeoisie, wherever is has got the upper hand, has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his ‘natural superiors’, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous ‘cash payment’. It […]