Random Internet Suggestions

Unblock Unsafe Attachment in Office Outlook

How to Unblock Unsafe Attachments Office Outlook

Common file types

If you still use the old email from Office Outlook when sending scripts you will often get a error message from office outlook. The error says: “Outlook at blocked potentially unsafe attachment”. Now this is a great feature and has most probably reduced the amount of worms and spam ten fold. But sometimes we want to send scripts via email so I would suggest allowing:

  • ‘.js’
  • ‘.vbs’
  • ‘.pl’
  • ‘.rb’
  • ‘.py’

Now the above are javascript, Visual Basic Script, Perl, Ruby and Python respectively.

Usually spammers, worms and malicious software send via ‘.exe’. So please for your own safety do not unblock ‘.exe’ – Only do this if you know what you are doing, even if you know what you’re doing don’t do it.

Unsafe Attachment

Steps to Unblock Unsafe Attachments Outlook

1. Start Registry Edit (Run->’regedit’)

2. Navigate to:  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\XX.X\Outlook\Security

(Where XX.X is your version of Office Outlook)

3. Right click in space ->’Create new string value’

4. Name it: Level1Remove

5. Edit the key by entering a list of file extensions

eg. .js;.vbs;.pl;.rb;.py

6. Restart office outlook

Is there an easier way to do it?

Yes, there is. If you prefer to navigate your way through office outlook, you will find the property to change somewhere.

Good luck with that.
