View Hidden Files and Folders from: windows: dir /a linux: ls -a Remove a folder cmd: rmdir /s /q “C:\xampp\htdocs\[folder_name]” View PhpInfo from CMD: php -i or php -r “phpinfo();” Create an Empty File (.htaccess) CMD: echo.>.htaccess Per Site Config Chnges in .htaccess Add the following to .htaccess: php_flag display_startup_errors on php_flag […]
Author: me
So you have made the step into the world of server management and maintenance, either with a local or cloud based server. The next step is to choose which Operating System you want on your server, and if you have a decent brain on your head you will decide to use a linux kernel for […]
Whether you have a new computer or a computer that is infected with a virus. This toolkit will help solve your problem and prevent it from happening again. The Free PC Protection, Performance and Anti-virus Toolkit will improve your PC and make it very safe. 1. Avast Antivirus (Free) The most hassle-free and classy anti-virus […]
Update October 2022: VSCode Shell Extension is different option What is a remote server? A remote server is a computer in a datacenter somewhere accessible through the internet (not your local network). Remote servers can be: Database servers Web servers DNS (Domain Name Service) servers Mail servers Proxy servers Application servers, and Real-time Communication Servers […]
What is MVC?
In the web development realm it is very common we hear the term MVC. Well What is MVC? MVC is a software design approach. MVC stands for: Model View Controller It is a template or pattern on how to structure a program. MVC has its origin in the Smalltalk language, MVC has been widely adopted […]