Containerisation Containers Kubernetes

k8s Troubleshooting Guide

Found this K8S troubleshooting guide from

Containerisation Containers

Alpine Python Docker Base image problem with gcc

An important thing to do with process based containers or any container is to keep them slim and ensure that only what is necessary is packaged into the image. For that reason I went with the python:3.8-alpine base image. After all was said and done the size of the resulting image was 208MB. No GCC […]

Containerisation Containers DevOps Docker

Containerising your Django Application into Docker and eventually Kubernetes

There shift to containers is happening, in some places faster than others… People underestimate the complexity and all the parts involved in making you applciation work. The Django Example In the case of Django, we would in the past (traditionally) deployed it on a webserver running: a Webserver (nginx) a python wsgi – web server […]

Containerisation Containers Docker Kubernetes

Pros and Cons of Openshift OKD and Portainer

Update 2022: Most of these platform are downstream from vanilla kubernetes. Other options: A Lightweight kubernetes with k3s or Rancher. My opinion at this time is that rancher is the easiest to run and develop with/for. If you are about to make a choice about which container orchestrator, sheduler or paltform to choose you have […]

Containerisation Containers Docker

Deploying Praeco on Portainer

In this post I’m going to attempt to setup Praeco on Portainer.Praeco is a frontend for setting up Elastalert rules that check an elasticsearch index and send automated messages via telegram, slack or webhook. To set this up you need 2 things already setup: Elasticsearch instance Portainer Instance You also should know a bit about […]