DevOps ISPs performance python performance virtualisation web performance

Trying out Rackzar’s AMD Ryzen VPS

Was able to try out Rackzar’s AMD Ryzen VPS recently. This post is about the experience and performance. The UI to Create The user interface is easy to navigate and there is lots one can do. It looks very similar to hostking’s. Wondering if this is a standard frontend that can be deployed by infrastructure […]

performance web performance wordpress

WordPress Performance: Vanilla vs Cached

In the post an inquiry into the performance difference of various wordpress setups is examined. A Vanilla WordPress Instance is compared with the following factors: PHP Opcache, W3 Total Cache plugin with redis, disk enchanced and memcached page caches enabled. This can be used to give an idea but as always with performance your context […]

Hardware performance python python performance virtualisation

CPU and FastAPI Performance

When migrating a FastAPI and WordPress website to a different VPS (virtual private server) provider it was noted that response time and requests per second were impacted negatively. Response times were 2 times slower. It was then noted that the cpu performance could be playing a big factor in this difference in performance. In this […]