The best tutorial to use for mounting an external Hard Drive permanently on your rspberry pi is on documentation List all the disk partitions sudo lsblk -o UUID,NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL,MODEL Identify the name of the disk partition (eg. sda1) Install the relevant storage driver for your FSTYPE (eg. exfat-fuse or ntfs-3g) – usually already install on […]
Category: Uncategorized
Minio’s web application is a single page application. As far as I can tell it is frontend only and works like a single page application. That is why when setting up the the client for minio on keycloak. We set implicit flow to True. In that case there is no authorization code – and no […]
docker rm -f $(docker ps -qa) docker rmi -f $(docker images -q) docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
This is a common requirement, how is it achieved? Acccording to the docs on Hashicorp audit deviced: You simply run this as the root user: vault audit enable file file_path=/var/log/vault_audit.log
This post is mainly about harbor robot accounts. Robot accounts are accounts used to run automated operations and have no access to the frontend. The account to use in your continuous integration or k8s registry secrets. You create a robot account by going to: Project -> Robot Accounts -> New Robot Account The Problem $ […]