pyvmomi virtualisation

How get Vlan from Portgroup Information from the Vcenter API?

How do you get portgroup information from the vcenter api? It is more of an NSXv construct and it is difficult to get the portgroup information from the vcenter api – even though you need it to create and attach logical switches and distributed switches. You can use pyvmomi to get the vlan id from […]


Cape Town Coffee Roasteries – Who has the Best Beans?

A list of some Coffee Roasteries I have seen. I have a link to their website and the area where they have a shop. Also included is the average price of a 250g bag of beans. Deluxe Coffeeworks – Gardens – R60 Quaffee – Newlands – R100 Bean Authentic – Monte Vista – R80 Origin […]

django IAM Integration Keycloak OAuth

Best Django Openidc Package

I think we know the security benefits and the development benefits of using a delegated authentication protocol like OpenIDC or SAML. However, actually doing the integration in the application can be difficult at times. There is a lack of documentation and guidance on the best modules or packages to use for the various frameworks. In […]

bad quality products

Spar Golden Cornflakes are Terrible

Just a post highlighting the terrible quality of Spar Golden Corn Flakes. It looks good on the packaging but lurking beneath are unpopped corn kernels – ready to damage your teeth, cause potential choking or cause digestion issues. The Spar Golden Corn Flakes product is sub standard. It clearly does not go through the quality […]

ansible juniper

Ansible SSH Errors when connecting to local vagrant juniper vqfx10k box

When recently running ansible on a local virtual switch from juniper vqfx10k, I got the following error: $ ansible local -m ping [WARNING]: sftp transfer mechanism failed on []. Use ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 to see detailed information [WARNING]: scp transfer mechanism failed on []. Use ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 to see detailed information vqfx1 | FAILED! => { "changed": false, […]