Containerisation Kubernetes

Modernising Applications – my opinion

Over the past year I’ve taken a step back and evaluated how we build and deploy web applications. When we talk about modernising web applications people immediately jump to the cloud-native catch phrase. It ramps up pretty quick, it spirels quickly into kubernetes, docker, Paas, Ingress, load balancing, service mesh and site reliability engineering. For […]

Containerisation Kubernetes

Building the cheapest K8S Cluster: Creating a HA Kubernetes cluster with k3s for only R90

In this post I will show you how to create your very own Highly available K8s cluster for just R90 a month…the cheapest I could find. For this we will be using k3s, a lightweight kubernetes distribution created by rancher labs. So lightweight, that the requirements for the server nodes is only 512MB of RAM […]

Containerisation Containers Kubernetes

k8s Troubleshooting Guide

Found this K8S troubleshooting guide from

Network Automation

Querying JSON: YAQL vs JSONpath vs JMESPath (and new entrants)

These days many api’s over HTTP that we query return JSON. That is great and all, it is much more readable for humans than XML. What about when there is a large set of JSON and you only need a small part of it? There are different ways of doing it, like converting the json […]

IAM Integration Keycloak

Using Keycloak Identity Provider for Rancher SSO

In Rancher 2.1.0 they added support for SAML authentication with Keycloak. What this means is Rancher will use a Keycloak realm to authenticate users. This means that there is one place to manage users for a host of your applications. It also means that if they have logged on to the realm with their browser […]