
An Incense Evaluation

Incense aromas can help to calm the mind and change the mood and ambiance to relax and explore the mind. This post evaluates and gives info about some incense products. Where do you buy incense? Incence is quite difficult to find. I have noticed that in curry shops and flea markets you will always find […]

django python Web Development

Deploying a django website to a Ubuntu 16.04 server with python3.6, gunicorn, nginx and Mysql

Getting up and running on your local development setup and being able to build and see the changes you are making is one of the numerous reasons we like django. The built in development webserver helps a lot in this regard. As soon as we have to deploy the site on a server and make […]

Data Science

Essential Data Science and Trading

Algorithmic Trading Zipline

machine learning python

Getting Started in Data Science, Machine Learning and Big Data

If you think that Machine Learning, AI, Big data, Neural networks are all just gimmicks then I suggest you watch this (It helps if you have played Dota before) AI and Machine Learning is real and it is getting better all the time, if you don’t catch that train you will be left behind. Resources […]


Great Youtube Yoga Classes

Here is a list of excellent yoga classes I have found: Beginner 20 Minute 30 Minutes Yin Class great for getting over low back pain and not too intense, very relacing and calming. Intermediate 15 Minutes Hip Opener 30 minutes Sore muscle relief and release 50 minutes Great if you run […]