Containerisation Containers Docker Kubernetes

Pros and Cons of Openshift OKD and Portainer

Update 2022: Most of these platform are downstream from vanilla kubernetes. Other options: A Lightweight kubernetes with k3s or Rancher. My opinion at this time is that rancher is the easiest to run and develop with/for. If you are about to make a choice about which container orchestrator, sheduler or paltform to choose you have […]

Containerisation Containers Docker

Deploying Praeco on Portainer

In this post I’m going to attempt to setup Praeco on Portainer.Praeco is a frontend for setting up Elastalert rules that check an elasticsearch index and send automated messages via telegram, slack or webhook. To set this up you need 2 things already setup: Elasticsearch instance Portainer Instance You also should know a bit about […]

Containerisation Containers

Openshift will not run your container as a root user

So you have setup OpenShift Container Platform and try to deploy your first image, dockerhub’s nginx image and what do we get…an error: 2019/10/03 06:39:24 [warn] 1#1: the “user” directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:2 nginx: [warn] the “user” directive makes sense only if the master […]

Containerisation Continuous Integration Docker

Help Me Understand Containerisation (Docker) – Part 2

This is part 2, I’d recommend checking out Part 1 of Help Me Understand Containerisation (Docker) We have gone over the development workflow – in a django context – and it was quite a hefty chunk. Now let us look at continuous integration with gitlab and containers. The Container CI Workflow We are going to […]

Containerisation Continuous Integration DevOps

Help me Understand Containerisation (Docker) – Part 1

I was looking at nodeJS servers, how they work and ways to scale them. I came across a best practices repo and it said: “Be stateless, kill your Servers almost every day“. I’ve always been skeptical of docker and containers – granted I haven’t used them extensively but I’ve always thought of them as needless […]