I had a chance to deploy one of my running websites on another virtual machine. I wanted to improve performance as customers are paying for the product and wanted to give a faster experience. On the old site I used Apache with PHP mod apache to run the site. On the new site I went […]
Category: PHP
Initial Preparation First of all do a project in PHP that utilises the database. I am talking about pure PHP and not a framework. Remember to turn make sure you set the following configuration settings. display_errors = 1; error_reporting(E_ALL); You can always view the php documentation which is always of great help. Get ready for […]
PHP Application Level Package Manager: Composer What is Composer? Ever used apt, dpkg, yum? These are package managers for unix systems, they automatically update your server with latest updates and install dependant libraries. Composer does the same thing just for PHP. It allows you to declare the dependant libraries for your project in a: composer.json […]
Loop Through an Associative Array PHP
foreach (array_expression as $key => $value) { echo $key; }
PHP & Object Oriented Programming PHP can be used both procedurally and with an object oriented approach. In PHP & procedural programming the emphasis lies with the actions and the steps that must be taken to perform actions such as submitting a form or retrieving a record from a database. In PHP & Object Oriented […]