Development Tools DevOps PHP Web Development web performance Yii Framework

Is there a speed gain when moving from Apache Mod PHP to Nginx PHP-FPM?

I had a chance to deploy one of my running websites on another virtual machine. I wanted to improve performance as customers are paying for the product and wanted to give a faster experience. On the old site I used Apache with PHP mod apache to run the site. On the new site I went […]

Yii Framework

Adding Composer Autoload to Yii Framework 1 and using PHPMarkdown

Using the database to manage blog content is okay but makes writing difficult at times. Let’s use markdown to create a blog on yii framework 1. Setting Up Composer Autoload I’m assuming composer is already setup as per yii’s installation. You need to get the PHPMarkdown package with: composer require michelf/php-markdown The to make sure […]

Server Yii Framework

Setting up Yii Environment on your Server

How to Setup Yii on your Environment Server 1. Make Sure your vhost is setup correctly, with debian/ubuntu that is /etc/apache2/sites-available/sitename Options FollowSymLinks -Indexes Includes AllowOverride All 2. Set your include path in php.ini that is etc/php/apache2/php.ini ; UNIX: “/path1:/path2” include_path = “.:/usr/share/library” 3. Download, get url from Yii Download Page wget 4. Unzip […]