Blouberg – Chapmans (Reverse) Trail and Path MTB (102km) Onthego map Blouberg-Hout-Blouberg (78.5 km) Peak elevation is 261m (peak gradient 21%) Onthego map link Blouberg-Koeberg-Blouberg (38 km) Description: Flat and fast Estimated time: 2 hours Peak elevation is 37m On-the-go map link Blouberg-Chapmans-Blouberg (101km) On-the-go map link I had planned to do Blouberg-Hout-blouberg but then […]
AWX: A server error has occurred and Redis
Sometimes in the container based deployments of AWX, you get errors. As with any computer system with many moving parts in a distributed architecture. AWX has 4 containers when you run it: awx-web – a django applicaiton awx-task – a task runner awx-redis – the message queue / broker postgresql – the persistent storage database […]
Good day, in this post I will show you how to use Keycloak (Open source Redhat SSO) as the identity provider for AWX. I am basing this tutorial on the post on red hat SSO integration on and from the AWX docs on SAML authentication Prerequisites You need the following set up: AWX instance […]
The price of Things
What is the price of things in 2021 really? At a coffee shop (Morgan’s Blouberg): A flat white single/double is: R27/R30 A toasted chicken mayo with small chips: R50 A pub: Rock Star Diner = Black label draught 500ml: R45 Carlyle’s on Derry = Black label draught 500ml: R42.5 A burger: Shwarma Express = A […]
I’ve found installing python from source on ubuntu just makes your life easier. Python depends on a few system binaries and linked libraries so you need to ensure they are present first. sudo apt install software-properties-common build-essential \ libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev \ tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev libncurses-dev libgdbm-dev \ libpcap-dev libexpat1-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev libgdbm-compat-dev […]