Development Tools Github

Git Quick Reference Tutorial

What is Git? Git is a distributed version control system. It is free and open source, created by Linus Torvalds. Remember Github is just one various remote options. It is not git – it uses git to store git repos and adds some special sauce on top. It is in the same class as: gitlab, […]

Web Development

MySQL Workbench and XAMPP setting up

This is a few pointers to use when setting up MySQL Workbench. MySQL Workbench is a UI for using mySQL. It makes it easy to manage, create and modify your databases. It also gives tools to model a well structured database for any project you may have. MySQL Workbench with XAMPP tutorial Setup Start MySQL, […]

Web Development

Virtualhost and a XAMPP vhost “Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly”

This is a problem I have experienced with XAMPP on a windows installation. It arises when editing the httpd-vhost.conf to create a virtualhost. Using Virtualhost is one of the various ways to host multiple websites or services from a single IP address. It comes in use when you are either hosting multiple hosts from 1 […]